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My Favorite Episodes

comments? pforooghi@compusmart.ab.ca 

My favorite J/7 episode is definitely "Dark Frontier". I mean, there was
just so much subtext in that episode that I can't even begin to list it
all! Those two were really sizzling together as far as generating sparks
goes. All the little talks they had prior to the mission, Janeway's
soulful/melancholy looks while Seven was missing, the heartfelt cry "I'm
not leaving without you!", it was all fabulous grist for the subtext mill!
An outstanding, brilliant, refreshingly intelligent two hours of
television, made even more memorable by all the delicious subtext between
our dynamic duo. And who can forget when Janeway tucks her little Borg
into her alcove?! This episode was priceless! An absolute gem. I've seen
it about ten times now, and its still breathtaking.

A close second for me would be "The Raven" A lot of emotional, poignant
scenes between the two. I especially enjoyed Janeway trying to explain the
value of art and creativity to Seven in the Davinci lab. Since I too love
art, I think that's one of the reasons I so enjoyed their interactions
while they were in the Holodeck. I also loved the ending, the way they
were sitting in the dimly lit holosuite, which gave the scene more
intimacy, and the way Janeway stares at Seven when she leaves, again, with
a wistful, longing, expression.

Great stuff!

Though none of it compares to what Gina and our other illustrious fanfic writers
give us on a regular basis. The vicarious thrill of having these two lovely,
gorgeous ladies together in their worlds is good enough for me.

