A look back at her ancestor's history does not give
Janeway the whole story.
As Neelix presses Janeway for information about Earth's
history, she reminisces about one of her ancestors, Shannon O'Donnell.
Shannon was in Indiana in December of 2000 when she discovered a quaint
downtown area about to be destroyed and replaced by the Millennium Gate.
The world's first self-sustaining civic environment, the Gate had
developers offering Henry Janeway a lot of money for his bookstore, but he
wouldn't sell. Through a chance encounter when her car broke down, Shannon
and Henry began working together to prevent the destruction of downtown
Portage Creek.
A database search uncovers a picture of Shannon and her
children, which Janeway wants to frame. She explains that she grew up
admiring Shannon and her bravery in building the Millennium Gate, which
became the model for the first habitat on Mars. Back in 2000, Shannon is
approached by Gerald Moss, one of the developers who knows her from her
days of astronaut training at NASA. Knowing that Shannon recently lost her
job, Moss tries to lure her to his team as consulting engineer in return
for Shannon convincing Henry to give up his shop to the project.
Intrigued by the experimental biosphere, Shannon tries to
talk Henry into seeing the benefits of the Gate. He will hear nothing of
it, however, and Shannon leaves when the two of them begin fighting. On
Voyager, the crew trades stories of their family history. When Janeway
asserts that Shannon did work on all the early Mars projects, Paris
contradicts her. He is an expert on that subject, and he is positive there
was no O'Donnell working on those projects.
Further research shows Shannon did not overcome any great
obstacles to build the Millennium Gate, as Janeway had believed. She was
only a consulting engineer, and the sole opposition she faced was Henry,
who became her husband. As Shannon prepares to leave town, and the Gate
developers are about to move their plans to another city, she suddenly
returns to Portage Creek to talk to Henry.
Shannon reveals she has come back to be with Henry. She
wants to explore the future, but he must be willing to leave the past
behind. With only a minute to spare until midnight of New Year's Eve and
the deadline for the Millennium Gate project, Henry agrees to rebuild his
shop in the new biosphere. Janeway is disappointed Shannon was not the
courageous explorer she always believed her to be, but she has no idea
what her ancestor did for the town of Portage Creek, and a man scared to
face the inevitable future. |


cozy couple
Overall Rating: A good Janeway
episode that is acted well by Kate Mulgrew. It was nice to see the crew
hanging out with the Captain and just talking. The story about Shannon was
pretty standard fair but it was interesting to see a picture of Janeway's
past and family.
Subtext Rating: Some excellent
moments between Janeway and Seven. If they sat any closer on the couch
Janeway would be in her lap and the adoring looks that they give each
other reminded me of my partner and I. That is exactly how we sit if we
have people over, a very 'couple' thing to do.
Tape worthy? Yes. Any
respectable Janeway fan will want to have this one and so will any J/7

Adoring looks

The Millennium Gate