Our Illustrious Staff April Grant, Editor April started out as a fan and writers of XWP fanfic under the name RedMsThing. A web designer by trade she decided that if no one was going to start an alternative zine, then she may as well do it herself. when she is not sitting in front of the computer, she is sitting somewhere trying to write. Her Xena fanfic can be found at her website: Calliope's Library. Her design site is Bleeding Rose Multimedia. Any comments can be sent to agrant@attcanada.net.
Gina Dartt, Just Between Us A fan of Star Trek since the mid-seventies, G. L. Dartt currently writes J/7 fan fiction, which can be found at her website: Captain's Quarters. Any comments regarding this column can be sent to greenoaks@ns.sympatico.ca.
Virago (Loretta Micheals), Repair Crews Virago is a 40 year old Trekkie and has been since the dawn of Star Trek as well as a lover of all things sci-fi on TV or in print. She lives in the 'land of fruits and nuts' <California> and fits in nicely on both counts. She's a voracious reader of Voyager fanfic and writes fanfic with J/7 and T/7 pairings. Virago's Voyager Page e-mail virago@best.com
Captain Starbuck, Random and Irrelevant Thoughts Capt Starbuck joined the fanfic world in November 1988 with
her ScullySlash "Fletcher" series (under the pen name 'Dana
Starbuck'). In the fall of 1999, she discovered J/7 (subtext? what's
that? ohhhhh) fanfic and decided to crossover to the Voyager world.
Her J/7 Holiday series debuted in December 1999 with "A Secret Santa".
Capt Starbuck's website can be found at: www.geocities.com/Area51/Keep/8156
Lara Zielinsky aka LZClotho. From Orlando, Florida, Lara is one of the Alternative
Quadrant staff's many fanfic writers. A little later than most to begin writing
J/7 Voyager stories, she has also written 30+ stories for Xena and Gabrielle of
"Clotho's Tapestry" is located at:
Chuckie, Trailer Talk Chuckie works by day as a secretary. She used to write stories, but now describes thirty second commercials for The Alternative Quadrant. Comments can be sent to mlperkin@indiana.edu
Pooneh Forooghi, Reviews and Streams of Consciousness