Credits and Thanks... The staff of the Alternative Quadrant would like to thank the actors and actresses who make Voyager for us to rant about and praise every week. without them, we would have nothing to do. We would also like to thank all the reviewers out there at all the fanzines who don't see the subtext, for making this venture possible and necessary. Our wonderful Vidcaps are courtesy of two wonderful sites in addition to the Official Site: Vaxen, you can visit her site here http://pweb.netcom.com/~dmkrebs/index.html and Background image courtesy of The Core Special thanks to andrewsfan on the 'Captain's Quarters' message board for the suggestion of the name of this zine. We have over 15,000 hits!! Thank you to all the fans and readers who have helped us grow so quickly!! Without you, none of this would be possible. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!