When Voyager happens upon a junkyard of old ships, the
crew stops to purchase some parts from Abaddon, the salesman. Tom Paris
falls in love with a small shuttle he finds among the junked vessels, and
convinces Chakotay to let him restore it. He discovers the shuttle has a
neurogenic interface, allowing it to interact directly with the pilot's
thoughts. Tom gets to work immediately, naming his new toy
"Alice." After a brief trial of the interfacing technology, Tom
calls it a night. When he leaves, Alice powers on by herself, scanning
Tom's brain imprint. In his quarters, Tom hears a female voice calling for
Driven by Alice's seductive power, Tom works nonstop on
the shuttle. He and B'Elanna Torres try to celebrate its christening
together, but Tom is obsessed to the point of excluding everyone. Tapping
into Alice's database, he has found the flight suit design of her last
pilot and is now wearing it instead of his Starfleet uniform. When
Chakotay orders him to put his test flight on hold and attend to his
official duties, Tom complains to Alice, whom he is now imagining as a
flesh-and-blood woman. She eggs him on, convincing him to use the
neurogenic interface again.
Alice goads Tom into stealing power cells from Voyager.
When Alice traps B'Elanna, sealing a hatch and shutting off life support
systems, Tom realizes the neurogenic interface is out of control. He
rescues B'Elanna and tries to alert sickbay, but Alice won't let him. She
forces him to launch the shuttle and complete the interface, making him
one with the machine. As Captain Janeway and the crew realize what is
happening, Tom fires on Voyager and escapes into warp.
The Voyager crew turns to Abaddon for answers. He explains
that the shuttle Tom acquired is "haunted." Before he can say
more, he begins hallucinating himself and suffers a cerebral hemorrhage.
After receiving a cortical suppressant, Abaddon reveals that he too was
once linked with Alice. She was looking for a top biological entity with
which to work together in tandem, to guide her to an unknown point in
space. After reconstructing data Tom left behind, Seven of Nine discovers
where he and Alice are heading. They are going to an anomaly called a
particle fountain.
Because Tom's synaptic functions are linked to the
shuttle, Janeway cannot fire on him. Instead, Tuvok works to access the
main computer and transmit a shutdown sequence. B'Elanna taps into his
interface using a communication signal. With both B'Elanna's and Alice's
voices in his head, Tom cannot think straight. Just as he is about to
suffer a cerebral hemorrhage, Tuvok succeeds in shutting down Alice. Tom
is beamed safely to sickbay, and Alice is destroyed in the particle
fountain |

Tom and Alice
Overall Rating: Why in the hell did the ship
think the particle fountain was its home? I wanted an answer to that and
never got it. At least that would have made watching this awful Paris
spectacle bearable. And is it just me or do tptb just not get the fact
that Paris and Torres have NO chemistry??
Subtext Rating: Other than the
one time that Seven demanded Janeway's presence in Astrometrics this was a
dry episode.
Tape worthy? Not really.
But I tape them all so there. *grin*