Day of Honor - A totally opinionated review by Angel
Seven of Nine requests a duty assignment. B'Elanna is not having a good day in engineering, bitches at Vorik, turns down Tom Paris and then gets stuck with Seven. (opening credits) "Seven of Nine," the captain says to Seven in her ready room, "You told me you wouldn't make any more attempts to contact the Borg. I want to believe that's true." "I assure you it is." Seven answers. "I've decided not to post a security detail while you're in engineering," the captain continues. Apparently she doesn't want anyone else hanging around Seven as much as herself *grin*. "But you have to realize there are rules. You'll be expected to report to me every hour so we can have fun and play," oh sorry, my imagination talking, what she really says is: "You'll be expected to follow our protocols. You'll report directly to Lt. Torres and obey any order she gives you." "I understand." Seven answers. She'll do anything to please the captain. Really! "One more thing," the captain continues, "Your designation, Seven of Nine, it's a little cumbersome" (you think? I think it's a great name! Oh well) "wouldn't you prefer to be called by your given name, Annika?" Seven is appalled. "I have been Seven of Nine for as long as I can remember." "All right, but maybe we could streamline it a little" (the captain is looking particularly cute in this shot *sigh*) "how would you feel about 'Seven'?" Seven is not impressed, but willing to meet Janeway halfway. "Imprecise, but acceptable." Their romantic interlude is interrupted by Tuvok. "Tuvok to captain Janeway" "Yes, Tuvok?" "Please come to the bridge, a ship is approaching." Janeway walks toward the door, looks at Seven one more time. I bet she's thinking about how gorgeous that Seven is. Seven rewards her by looking the captain down wile she walks out the door. Her brows arch as if to say "Yummy". I'll say. Janeway goes to the bridge, followed by Seven. They are being hailed by the vessel. Some dude tells them they are in bad shape, they were attacked by the Borg. Ouch. Camera swings to Seven, who doesn't look affected at all. She doesn't take anything personally. The captain looks a little worried (but so cute, oh so cute). The dude asks for food and medication. Janeway says they'll get some. Then he asks for thorium isotopes. Janeway says he'll get those too. This dude is a little greedy if you ask me. In engineering, B'Elanna is laying a guilt trip on Seven. Seven doesn't respond, but she knows when she's not wanted. She leaves. B'Elanna goes to the mess hall, talks to Neelix. Something about bloodpie and days of honor. Then she goes to the holodeck and runs some Klingon program. Then she goes to her quarters to sulk. She bitches at Tom some more. Greedy Dude is back to ask for more supplies. He's starting to get totally unreasonable, but Janeway is such a sweetheart, she gives him more anyway. I have a feeling he'll be back again. Meanwhile Tom is making a pass at Seven. Guess B'Elanna shouldn't have bitched at him. Some experiment in engineering goes terribly wrong. Tom and B'Elanna are less than friendly to each other. B'Elanna can't stabilize the warp core and ejects it into space. Bummer. Janeway walks her gorgeous little self into engineering. B'Elanna reports the impulse engines are off line and implies the whole thing was Seven's fault. Janeway thinks about it. Then she asks Tom to take a shuttle and go find the warp core. B'Elanna says he'll need her, because she'll need to stabilize the core before they can move it. So off they go together. They find the core, but guess what, the greedy people got their grubby little mits on it already. They fire on the shuttle and Tom and B'Elanna have to beam themselves out to space before the shuttle's hull breaches. Remember, Voyager is still floating around without impulse engines. This is trouble. Janeway is sitting in her ready room staring at a padd. Seven enters. "Would you like tea or coffee?" Janeway offers. (Hmm, she offered tea first, then coffee. Peculiar.) Seven declines, of course. "I have no need to ingest liquids, I still receive energy from the Borg alcove." "My understanding is that you are almost ready to begin eating food," Janeway says. "That is what the Doctor says," Seven admits. But this is not the point. "Why have you asked me here?" Janeway rubs her neck. "Whenever there's an accident on the ship, even a minor one, we investigate it in order to minimize the chances of its happening again." "A prudent course of action," says Seven. "I didn't have a chance to talk to Lt. Torres before she left, so I wanted to ask you some questions about what happened in engineering. Sensors indicate that tachyons were leaking into the warp core. Any idea how it started?" Janeway pours herself some coffee. "No," answers Seven "we had reconfigured the deflector shield to admit tachyon bursts, the procedure must have triggered the leak." "Who was controlling the tachyon bursts?" Janeway asks. "Ensign Vorik." "And what were you doing?" "Monitoring the transwarp frequencies." "And did you at any time access deflector control?" My, my, it seems our dear captain took B'Elanna seriously. Everybody makes mistakes I guess. Seven is a little worried though, she thought she was making progress with this delicious being. "You believe I'm responsible for the accident," she says, disbelief in her voice. "That I deliberately sabotaged the ship. You are like the others. You see me as a threat." That hits Janeway in the right spot. She blinks her eyes, bites her cheek. "I won't lie to you," she says "Part of me is suspicious, we've dealt with tachyon fields before and never had this kind of problem. But we can tell from the look on her face, she already regrets accusing Seven in the first place. "Captain, I am unaccustomed to deception. Among the Borg it was impossible, there were no lies, no secrets. And I assure you I had nothing to do with the accident in engineering." Janeway knows. She puts her cup down, sits down on her couch and says "I believe you. Thank you." "I am finding it a difficult challenge to integrate into this group. It is full of complex social structures that are unfamiliar to me. Compared with the Borg this crew in inefficient and contentious. But it is capable of surprising acts of compassion." Janeway smiles a most lovely smile. "Unexpected acts of kindness are common among our group," she says, her voice is soft and sensual. "as one of the ways we define ourselves." Seven ponders over this. Files it away. Back to business. "Is there anything more?" she asks, ready to get back to whatever she does with her time. But Janeway is not about to let her go. "Yes, we still have to find out what caused the tachyon leak." And who better to help me than you. "Tell me what you remember about the power fluctuations in the propulsion system." Back to outer space we go, where Tom and B'Elanna are still happily floating away. At least they're getting some together-time. Some shock wave hits them and they only have some 30 minutes of oxygen left. And Voyager is still not coming. Trouble, trouble. Janeway and Seven are still working together in the ready room. Ensign Vorik reports impulse engines will be back online in one hour. "Captain," Seven says "I believe I found the cause of the accident." She hands Janeway a padd. "Erratic fluctuations in the ship's warp power. When tachyon levels rose to a resonant frequency, core pressure increased." "Then it was an accident," Janeway ponders. Chakotay barges in. "Captain, we've picked up a carrier wave with a Starfleet signature. I guess it's Tom and B'Elanna, but they're not answering our hails." "They may be in trouble. As soon as we have impulse..." but then Tuvok interrupts over the comm. "Tuvok to the captain. Can you come to the bridge." "On my way." The Greedy Bunch is back. They want more stuff. Janeway's had it with them and doesn't want to give more supplies. But then they start threatening and tell the captain they have the warp core. They also tell her they want Seven of Nine. They are clearly stupid. Threatening our fiery captain *and* ask for Seven? But Seven is also capable of surprising acts of compassion. "I will go," she says. Janeway gazes at her with a look that says "as if". "They asked for me. If I surrender myself perhaps they will let you leave." "That's very generous," Janeway says, "but I will not turn you over to them." "I was only offering to do what would be best for this group," Seven says, she clearly wants to get in the captain's good books. Who wouldn't. "You are part of this group now and we're going to protect you." And that's enough for Janeway. Let's fight it out. But Seven interrupts again. She thinks a sufficient amount of thorium isotopes may be enough. She knows how to make them. That Seven, she's just brilliant. But Chakotay has to bag on her again. Grumble. "If you've had this knowledge all along, why didn't you say so?" "I am not accustomed to thinking that way," Seven answers "Borg do not consider giving technology away, only assimilating it." "What do you suppose made you consider it now?" Janeway asks. "I am not certain," Seven answers but the look on her face tells us she did it for the captain. "Maybe it was just an unexpected act of kindness," Janeway says and from the way she looks at Seven it seems she has already forgotten about the world surrounding her. Seven stares back and love floats. Ahem, okay, Back to business. Seven builds an energy matrix to produce thorium isotopes. They give it to the greedy bunch. They want more (what's wrong with these people??). Seven says they can use the matrix as a template to construct more. Finally, they are satisfied. They agree to return the warp core. Meanwhile, Janeway is beaming with pride. She and Seven exchange another sulky look. Seven leaves and Janeway grins the grin of a woman who just scored. Oh and they pick up Tom and B'Elanna who have just declared their love as well, only out loud. The End! |