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Dragon's Teeth

comments? pforooghi@compusmart.ab.ca

 'Dragon's Teeth', lets just say that it left me feeling a tad frustrated and angry at how things are turning out this year.  I have a lot to say about the show in general and this episode in particular, so I hope you will bear with me.   Let me know what you think about all this, and your take on things.  Warning- I will throw in a few episode spoilers, so don't read if you haven't seen the show yet.  Well,  here goes:

I thought "Dragon's Teeth" was way off as far as character continuity goes.

Why would Janeway wake up an entire army of aliens without first making sure that they could be trusted? To me, that was a stupid move on her part, and Janeway is not a stupid person. Why are the writers insulting her intelligence as well as ours?  The Janeway I know does not trust anyone blindly, rather she must be certain that her trust won't be misplaced. Seven?  I can understand her wanting to do some good because of all the guilt she feels about her destructive borg life. I can also understand her not thinking through the ramifications of her "good deeds". She is still a rather naive and innocent character, with a lot to learn. But Janeway? Give me a break! She would never do what she did in this episode. Then, when Seven apologizes about waking up ONE member of the alien race, Janeway doesn't bother to acknowledge her part in the disaster, rather makes it sound as if it was all Seven's fault somehow. I was furious as I watched this episode, because I kept thinking "where is the real captain?"

In the same vein, I must admit that this season has been rather disappointing thus far. With the exception of the first few episodes, which I thought were outstanding despite a few flaws, the other shows have either been awful (Alice) or merely good (like Dragon's Teeth and the other episodes) I don't know what's happening, but the quality of writing seems to have gone downhill this season. Perhaps its because all the good writers have left the show, so they are bringing in new writers who are not that familiar with the characters and thus do not know how to portray them accurately. I hope things will start to improve, otherwise, this will be one of my least favorite seasons.

Finally, what would a decent Pooneh rant be without some comments about the J/7 relationship in general. All I can say is may it rest in peace! It's over; they have effectively killed this relationship, no matter what you would classify it as- mentor/pupil, mother/daugher, etc..., none of the old feelings are evident any more. They don't even exchange those telling glances anymore, so all subtext has in essence vanished. What a crying shame. Those writers really didn't know what they had in the J/7
relationship. I guess they were blind to all the fabulous chemistry they generated, not to mention the interesting scenarios in which those two could have continued to partake in. I'm just glad we have Gina's great stories to fill the enormous void on the show that is the J/7 dynamic. Again, I'm sorry for the  rant, but I'm feeling kind of frustrated with  the state of the show right now. 

Well, that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it! One comm badge.

