"Dubious Honor" by Vaxen http://pweb.netcom.com/~dmkrebs/index.htmlReviewed by LZClotho The heart of the fanfic genre is the series that inspires it. Each episode has scenes that resonate differently for every author. Some authors write what should've been, others write what went, in their mind, unseen. And still others write from the last fade out, what should happen next. Such a story is Vaxen's "Dubious Honor." Following on the episode "Fair Haven," a heartbreaking episode for many J/7 subtexters, "Dubious Honor" tells the story after Kathryn Janeway's fateful command to the holodeck computer to lock herself out of Michael's personality routines and her approach to Seven of Nine to rectify a problem with the holocharacter. Told from Seven's point of view, "Dubious Honor" gives vent to many fans' arguments against Janeway's relationship with a "collection of photons." From the brilliantly cool Seven's acceptance of the request: "You want me to make the changes for you," the reader gleefully charges onward, anxious to see what Janeway will ask to change, and what Seven's reactions will be. With every alteration, Seven's frustrations grow, and Janeway's 'doom' is soon at hand. Read this story to find the best new euphemism I have ever read, and appreciate the vicarious satisfaction of the subtle, gratifying conclusion as Janeway reels. I spent a little time chatting with Vaxen about "Dubious Honor", Star Trek: Voyager and her stories: LZ: How long have you been writing fanfic? (any variety) Vaxen: A little over a year, if you don't count the one Xena story I did a couple of years ago. LZ: Which episode was the first time you saw subtext in Voyager? Vaxen: I couldn't say. I didn't realize there was subtext until I started reading J/7 fan fiction. It made me aware of why I was so attracted to the show and opened my eyes to the possibilities. LZ: How do *you* explain Janeway's behavior in "Fair Haven"? Borderline lunacy? Sexual frustration? Wanting what she can't have so going for a substitute? Vaxen: I explain it as an attempt by the writers to force the character out of character. Their motives were questionable. The results were inane. "Dubious Honor" just takes that inanity to its logical extreme. LZ: What was the first f/f story you ever wrote? Vaxen: "A Day in the Life" It's the Xena story I mentioned. LZ: Of all your stories, which is your favorite? Vaxen: Of the Element series it would be "Element of Innocence." Otherwise, I'd say it was "The Love She Knows." It was fun to write because I created so many of my own character, but it is something of a cheat as far as J/7 goes because it takes place in an after-Voyager future and doesn't put the two character together until the end. LZ: Do you have plans for a sequel to "Dubious Honor"? When will you let us know what Kathryn did next? Vaxen: As I warned when I posted it to the mailing list, it is a vignette. Besides, we all know what Janeway does next - she comes to her senses and forgets about Sullivan. :) Vaxen was also interviewed on the subject of J/7 fanfiction for
technodyke.com. If your interested in the results check out http://www.technodyke.com/features/j7.asp |