Kes returns a vengeful woman bent on destroying Janeway
and Voyager. Using her advanced mental abilities, Kes journeys into the
past, intent on delivering the crew into the hands of one of their
earliest and most dangerous enemies.
Voyager receives a distress call from a small vessel,
piloted by a much older and weathered Kes. Captain Janeway grants her
permission to come aboard, but she comes in much too fast and the vessel
collides with Deck Nine. However, Kes beams herself aboard Voyager just
before impact.
Aboard Voyager, a cold and angry Kes uses her
psychokinetic abilities to disable Voyager's systems. Voyager is in red
alert as Kes gives off high levels of neurogenic energy. A security guard
fires a phaser at Kes as she heads toward Engineering. She is hit by the
blast and when she recovers she screams in anger, causing the bulkheads
around them to blast inward in an explosion of fire and debris.
Armed with phasers, Torres and Seven of Nine are shocked
when the weapons ripple and distort in their hands. Kes places her hands
upon the warp core. Just as Torres goes to shut it down, she is struck in
the back by a tendril of energy. Seven rushes over to Torres' dead body,
while Kes vanishes in a flash of light.
When Kes disappears, she travels backward in time to
Voyager as it was five years earlier. It's only been a few weeks since
Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant. Sneaking up behind the
original Kes, the undetected Kes from the future injects her with a
hypospray, rendering her unconscious.
Janeway is concerned that another conflict may soon ensue
with the Vidiians since two more ships have been detected on long-range
sensors. On a secure channel, Kes from the future makes contact with the
Vidiian Captain. She tells him she will provide him with information
necessary to capture Voyager, in return for her safe passage home to
Meanwhile, Tuvok seems to be experiencing premonitions.
While walking down a corridor, he sees a young girl working a wall console
that turns out to be Naomi Wildman. Tuvok follows the girl into the Cargo
Bay, and when the doors open he sees Seven of Nine and the Borg Twins
regenerating in their Borg alcoves.
The Doctor confirms for Captain Janeway that Ensign
Wildman is expecting a baby girl. Back in Engineering, Tuvok is once again
having visions of the future. This time he is watching a fragmented replay
of events that have already occurred in the future, when Torres is struck
in the back with an energy tendril as a much older Kes looks on. Tuvok is
brought to Sickbay where he begins to convulse upon the surgical bed.
Janeway decides to view the proximity scan of Tuvok at the
time he collapsed in Engineering. Apparently there was a surge of tachyon
particles in Engineering just before Tuvok collapsed. Janeway suggests
that tachyons are normally generated by temporal distortions, also known
as time travel.
Chakotay discovers that tachyon readings are being emitted
in Sickbay, the Airponics Bay and Kes' quarters. Suddenly, Voyager finds
itself under attack by the Vidiians. Paris is shocked that the Vidiians
know so much about Voyager, including when they would be coming out of
warp, as well as their shield frequencies. Kim detects transmissions to
the Vidiians originating from Voyager on Deck Ten.
The Vidiians have managed to board Voyager upon Deck
Eight. Voyager's only chance is to explosively decompress that section of
the ship. In a violent explosion, the Vidiian grappling pylon is blasted
away from the ship.
Janeway and Kes from the future come face to face. Janeway
instructs Chakotay to redirect all plasma flow on Deck Eleven to the
Shuttlebay command console. Arcs of energy course up Kes' arms and into
her body. She begins to convulse violently and then falls dead to the
When an older Kes hails Voyager again in the future, the
crew is already prepared. This time Captain Janeway shuts down the warp
core completely. Kes from the past appears to the older Kes in a message
that she recorded to herself five years earlier. She reminds the older Kes
that she didn't always harbor so much anger toward the crew. Janeway tells
her that the Voyager crew is not her enemy and that there is always room
for her. However, according to Kes, there is no place for her anywhere.
Altering the chemical composition of her body, Kes begins to dissipate and
then vanishes. |


Overall Rating: A pointless
episode that ruined the memory of the Kes character. I don't believe that
Janeway knew all along that Kes was going to not only have to leave
Voyager but that she was going to come back and try to destroy it. But
that is what tptb want us to believe, along with the fact that Janeway
would then have allowed it to happen. Yea, sure. Kes was given a classy
exit in 'The Gift' and I would have preferred to remember her that way.
Subtext Rating: There was no
Janeway/Seven subtext in this one but there was some interesting
interaction between B'Elanna and Seven.
Tape worthy? Yes, the
novelty of the Kes return if nothing else.