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Warped to the Core 

By Captain Starbuck


In Defense of the Holo-Stud

comments? captstarbuck@yahoo.com

First of all, before you all start looking for the highest yardarm to string me from (or for you landlubbers, the nearest tree) let me say this - I am unabashedly, unashamedly, unequivocally a Janeway-Seven fan. I think that there are no other possible options for either of the two lovely ladies (despite what TPTB keep trying to shove down our throats).

That said, let me step out of my 'command role' to play amateur psychoanalyst for the good Captain Janeway and her obsession with her holo-beau.

Let's logically look at her situation, and forget about any Star Fleet rules that do or do not exist (and there is considerable debate over whether these rules even exist). Kathryn Janeway is first and foremost, all about control. She expects to have complete control over her ship, her crew, Voyager's interaction with other Delta Quadrant residents and above all else, her feelings. For her to even act on any sexual feelings would mean some kind of a break in that precious control.

So where does that leave her? What options does she have?

The most obvious choice would be the tattooed man to her left - Commander Chakotay. Aside from my own personal beliefs that such a tryst - however long the duration - between any Captain and First Officer would ruin the command structure of a starship, this particular pairing would be even more disastrous - and completely ludicrous. For Janeway to 'lose control in her Commander's arms', she'd first have to trust him - and she doesn't. Not deep down. She may be fond of him, even consider him a close friend, but she could never trust him enough to be intimate with him.

And what of the rest of the senior staff? Who else could she trust enough to be herself with? Tom Paris? Despite her affection for him, Tom is involved with B'Elanna, and though he's a bit of a rogue, he's definitely not her type. Tuvok? Married. Harry Kim? Talk about cradle robbing. *G* B'Elanna Torres? Has possibilities, but she's involved with Tom. (Besides, I think the Captain's relationships with women is a whole other topic for discussion someday) Neelix? Definitely not. The Doctor? I think he's the biggest gossip on the ship and I think Janeway feels the same way. She'd never trust him enough to 'tango beneath the sheets'. Seven of Nine? I think Janeway's too caught up in how she's supposed to feel (can you say 'maternal') instead of how she really feels about Seven.

That leaves us with Ensign Expendable. Could Janeway have a little one night stand with an almost stranger? If she were in the Alpha Quadrant... maybe... as long as the Ensign weren't serving aboard her ship. She doesn't, however, have the luxury of sex with a stranger. She'd never lose control with anyone on the lower decks. It just ain't gonna happen, folks. (Goodbye Mary Sue, goodbye Billy Joe). That would be, for her, the ultimate loss of control of her command. She'd be too worried about seeing Ensign Expendable, too paranoid wondering if the Ensign was the type to kiss and tell. Or she'd be concerned about having to order said Ensign on a dangerous away mission (though this kind of option is intriguing... kind of like a black widow spider... have sex with the Captain, then off you go to a certain death on an away mission... and let's not forget she was Queen Arachnia).

But I digress. (Big surprise *g*) A holographic character probably is the only option for Captain Janeway. She has the best of all worlds with him. He won't question her command decisions, won't tell everyone the intimate details of their dates (though he did come close in the 'Fair Haven' episode), and she doesn't have to see him if she doesn't want to. It's not like he's a part of the crew where she might see him in a non-personal setting. It's the perfect solution for her. She picks and chooses when she sees him, when she wants time to be alone with him, when she wants to lose a little of that self-control. And when she isn't in the mood, she ends the program, or doesn't even visit him.

Total control of the relationship, when she wants and where she wants. After all, isn't that what it's all about - control?
