"Imperfection is Close to Perfection" by Jadzia Dax "Imperfection" -- a very fabulous J/7 subtext episode, but one strongly laced with pain and regret in many respects. I could present a detailed summary of the ep, but instead I'll just present the subtext scenes and throw in my analysis of them for your perusal. Scene Number 1 -- When the Doc and Seven first realize something strange is going on with her cortical node, Seven wants the Doctor to keep the information from KJ. This is interesting, because in the past, whenever Seven had a medical problem KJ was always informed of it immediately. Yet, in this instance, Seven refuses...she says "I don't want to worry the captain." Now, my question is this -- why the sudden concern over "worrying" the captain? She was never concerned about worrying "the captain" before. Is it because, perhaps, Seven's feelings towards KJ have changed? That perhaps she is more protective of KJ than she ever was before...and she knows KJ will not deal well with this information? Has she, once again, placed the captain's needs above her own? Scene Number 2 -- Seven tells Icheb she will speak to the Captain about his studying for the Starfleet Academy entrance exams. She is clearly confident that her "talk" with KJ will have positive results for Icheb. Why? Hmmmm...might it have something to do with the fact she's confident in the powerful effect her wishes have on Janeway??? Note the wonderful little grin/smirk Seven has on her face as she reassures Icheb. Scene Number 3 -- GREAT SCENE! KJ and the Doc are with Seven in Sickbay, informing her for the first time about her failing cortical node. The Doc states she needs to stay in Sickbay for observation, at which point Seven promptly declares "I think I've been sufficiently observed." KJ immediately puts her hand on Seven's shoulder, to prevent her from getting off the bio-bed, then turns to ask the Doc "Will you excuse us, please?" Wonderful! Fabulous! Ummm....but, why? What's the logical reason for KJ needing to be alone with Seven at this point? There is none, other than the fact KJ wants to be alone with her…wants to make the moment intimate between just them. And here's where it really gets great -- KJ puts her hand on Seven's shoulder, dismisses the doctor (essentially) then moves close to Seven...moving in between her legs, as she leans forward so there's barely no distance between them. Notice that before she even begins talking, KJ seems to be fixated on Seven's lips. Yes, she does look up into Seven's eyes…but throughout this scene, her eyes keep falling back on Seven's lips and mouth. Obviously, being that close makes our captain's mind wander! <BG> And why, after KJ prevents Seven from leaving Sickbay, does the captain continue to remain oh-so-very-close to Seven...in her personal space, as it were...when she could easily have stepped back a bit for the rest of their discussion??? It’s not like they’re trading secrets and need to be within whispering distance. Scene Number 4 -- KJ is off to find a Borg cube, regardless of the risk to her ship and her own safety. (Sigh...And how many times have we seen her do *this* when it involved Seven in some manner?) The fact is, she doesn't give a damn what happens to Voyager at this point...and she's ready to leave on her own, without backup, to procure a cortical node that will save Seven...even though it's the most illogical thing in the world for her to be doing. Hmmmmm...I wonder....I wonder how often KJ has done similar things in the past??? How many times has she gone off to recklessly do something, all in the name of saving or protecting Seven from one threat or another? In fact, KJ's behavior rarely makes sense if you were to read the general ST:VOY newsgroups...but that's because they don't understand her motivation. KJ will do *anything* to protect Seven, even if it means going against Starfleet protocols. And, on that note, wasn't the scene aboard the Borg cube fabulous??? KJ had no fear whatsoever, which I think is perfectly "in character" for this ep (contrary to other suggestions.) The fact is, KJ wasn't freaked out about being aboard a cube (so recently after her "stint" with the Borg Queen) because she was on a mission to save Seven. Nothing, absolutely nothing else, was an issue in her mind...so nothing else mattered. And what I found to be extremely significant was how she dealt with the scavengers aboard the Borg cube. Normally, finding herself in that sort of situation, KJ would have negotiated with the aliens to secure the property she required -- in this instance, the cortical node. But, notice how diplomacy went right out the window when Seven's safety/existence was at stake...KJ had the scalpel right up against the guy's throat. "Give me this cortical node or I'll slit your throat." None of her usual, "perhaps there's something we might trade for it," diplomacy. Just action motivated by pure emotion. Very, *very* interesting, IMHO. Scene Number 5 – Notice KJ's agitation during the node transplant simulation, as she monitors the medical console. Kudos to KM here, because she holds the tension and anguish in every muscle of her body during this scene. Towards the end, KJ's barking out orders to increase the dosage...even though she has absolutely no medical training or qualifications to do so. And after 12 attempts, she *still* orders the Doctor to try the simulation again. Once again, her behavior is indicative of someone who is operating purely on emotion --something KJ does every time Seven is in some sort of danger. Again, action motivated by pure emotion. The fact that the Doctor indulged her those first 12 times, says a great deal as well...He knows how strongly KJ feels about Seven. If it had been any other patient, I have no doubt the Doctor would have stopped at three attempts. You may not know this, but in the general "mainstream" ST:VOY newsgroups there has been much Janeway-bashing regarding this scene (as well as the scene aboard the Borg cube.) Unfortunately, much Janeway-bashing takes place all the time in those newsgroups…which is why I spend as little time there as possible. Anyway, the basic complaint is that Janeway is always involving herself in things she either isn't qualified to do, or shouldn't involve herself in because of her position as Captain. These folks raged over the fact that because Janeway has no medical training, she shouldn't have been monitoring the medical console during the simulations and the actual transplant procedure. Much Hoo-Ha was made over the fact that KJ was all ready to abandon her ship on an "away-mission-of-one" to the Borg cube, when she really should have simply sent an away team (if, in their opinion, one should even have been sent at all.) But here's my theory...the reason why KJ's actions/behavior never makes sense to these people is because TPTB never allow for the correct justification/motivation to be seen by the audience. KJ's motivation in these instances is her love for Seven. It's that simple. Without providing/showing that emotional motivation to the general audience, however, Janeway's behavior comes off as being reckless, arrogant, controlling and undisciplined. A part of me almost can't blame the non-J/7ers for having such an unflattering opinion of KJ, because they really have no context in which to understand her actions, motivations and behavior. No wonder it makes no sense to them. Now, back to the aforementioned scene aboard the Borg cube for a moment. And I offer this point as proof of just how strong KJ's feelings are for Seven...and just how desperate she was to save her. That desperate emotional state and overpowering (blinding) need to do whatever it takes to save Seven's life got Janeway killed...or would have, if Tom hadn't beamed the away team up when he did. Watch that scene again...you'll notice that the alien scavenger guy actually discharged his weapon in Janeway's face. She would have been dead, if not for the timely beam-out. Make no mistake about it, KJ's judgment was seriously impaired by her fears and worries concerning Seven -- so much so, that her Starfleet training and self-preservation instincts went right out the window. Scene Number 6 – Watch KJ storm out of the holodeck (when the 12th simulation doesn't work) determined to find a live drone somewhere in order to procure a functioning cortical node. This is actually the final "stresser" -- the point where Janeway loses all ability to think/function rationally. The Doctor has to literally grab and shake her, in order to make her realize the insanity of trying to find a functioning drone and stealing his/her node. And note how pissed off she is at him...it’s as though she really has no idea that what she was proposing was absurd. It is in this scene, I think, when we first see KJ break down. It's a brief moment, but extremely significant. You can see the frustration and helplessness in her facial expression and body language...and yes, I believe she covers her eyes here because she can't keep the tears from falling. It's not surprising to us J/7ers that the only times you'll see KJ shedding/hiding tears is when Seven's health or safety is at risk. Scene Number 7 – Watch Seven's face during the Sickbay scene in which KJ and the Doctor arrive to tell her the simulations have failed. Although it's clearly the Doctor's realm to convey such information -- since he is, after all, The Doctor -- it's KJ who breaks the news to Seven, explaining that the attempt to salvage the dead drone's cortical node has failed. The Doctor immediately starts to explain the various different things he and others are going to try, but during his whole speech Seven's eyes are fixed on KJ. She maintains constant eye contact with Kathryn, essentially ignoring the Doctor’s presence in the room. Look at the pained expression on KJ’s face when Seven turns away. And keep your eyes on the captain when Seven reaches out for the console with her hand – Janeway’s initial reaction is to move towards her, as if she wants to walk over and comfort Seven…put her arms around her, perhaps. When Seven asks if she can return to her duties, KJ puts her head down because she knows she is going to defer to the Doctor’s opinion…and that Seven will be disappointed. Now, this could be a major stretch on my part...and it certainly wouldn't be the first time <G>...but I'm going to throw this out there anyway. Even though it was brief, I think this scene was unbelievably intense and emotionally brutal for both KJ and Seven. It also functions, IMO, as the clincher (so to speak) that proves Seven feels just as strongly for the captain as Janeway feels for her. Seven keeps her gaze on KJ during this scene, and literally ignores the Doc, because she needs that connection with the person she loves in such a moment...just as we *all* seek out loved ones when hearing bad news. I also believe there's a wealth of information being conveyed in that gaze...the most significant of which is the recognition that there will never be anything more between them, that they have no future together if Seven is dying. And it's as though Seven is sharing her sense of loss with KJ -- that she's letting KJ know she understands just *exactly* what is being lost...not just her life, but their relationship and future together. That look in Seven's eyes is just so damn brutal. Scene Number 8 – And it’s a BIGGIE!! KJ heads to Astrometrics, not because she has any important information to convey...simply because she wants/needs to be with Seven. It’s as though she has made an important decision in her head...to spend as much time with Seven as possible while she has the chance, regardless of whether she has a legitimate or "official" reason for doing so. When KJ enters the lab, she finds Seven looking at the Grand Canyon. Now, this is interesting. Why earth? Seven has never before shown much interest in earth. What has changed...why the sudden interest? Could it simply be because she knows she won't be making it back to earth with the rest of Voyager's crew...and, therefore, she wants to see what she'll be missing? Hmmmmm, maybe...but I don't think so. It seems more likely that she wants to learn, before she dies, just why this place is so important to Kathryn. Well...maybe not. Truth be told, I don't really understand the significance of this...but something about it is poking me in the ribs because Seven has *never* before cared a bit about earth. Maybe somebody else has an idea or two about this scene??? Now, is it my imagination...or does KJ seem to saunter across the room in a highly flirty manner to stand/lean against the bulkhead in a somewhat playfully seductive manner??? I mean, really...*so* flirty, in fact, that I can't help but wonder what plans she had in mind by going there. Perhaps to retrieve Seven, bring her back to her quarters for...say...dinner and philosophical discussion? (Think about it...if KJ prepared a private dinner for Ensign Lindsay Ballard upon her "return from the dead," don't you think she might arrange for a private dinner with Seven in this instance???) Who knows where this scene would have led had the Doctor not interrupted them with his hail??? So...KJ sees Seven looking at the Grand Canyon and states she always preferred farm country. Seven immediately calls up an image of Bloomington, Indiana -- KJ's place of origin. It is so damn cute how Seven always makes sure KJ knows she's been paying attention. Yes, she has an eidetic memory...but she always seems more diligent/concerned about remembering/highlighting the (sometimes infinitesimal) details of Janeway's life than anyone else's -- and letting KJ *know* she recalls such details. For instance, how often does she dazzle Harry with minor details she remembers about *his* life??? For her part, KJ could have launched into a descriptive narrative about Bloomington...but instead, she asks "So what do you think?" Hmmmmm...now why would it matter to KJ what Seven's impression of the place is? Unless she has plans to bring Seven there when they return to earth...perhaps for an extended stay? And, of course, that's exactly what KJ says -- "When we get to earth, I'll take you there." Definitive. Not a "maybe you'll visit me there one day after we return to earth." It's a definitive "when we return to earth, I'll take you there"...to Indiana, my home. And it's clearly something she has been planning for awhile, judging by how easily she says it. There's absolutely no hesitation or concern about whether she should make such a promise, because she apparently made the decision many months ago. A very, very fabulous moment...but that Astrometrics scene was also very painful. I’ve actually had a great deal of trouble wrapping my brain around this scene, because I think there are so many conflicting things going on. Seven is aware that KJ is having trouble accepting her impending death. She has come far enough in her humanity that she’s able to recognize Janeway treats her differently than she does anyone else on board. And since KJ has never clarified or explained exactly why she feels differently towards her, Seven is trying to formulate possible theories on her own. Therefore, I guess it’s possible that what happens next is not a case of Seven lashing out intentionally to hurt KJ…but I’m not sure. KJ tries to make Seven feel optimistic, stating that if she had "faced reality six years ago" she "wouldn’t be 30,000 light years closer to Bloomington, Indiana right now." Seven, in a somewhat harsh and accusatory tone, promptly replies "minus several members of your crew." And if making such a statement weren’t bad enough, she promptly displays each of their names on the Astrometrics viewscreen as she calls them out. Seven brings up the absolute one issue that can strike the hardest at Janeway, the one thing that causes the captain the most pain – the fact that she didn’t keep her promise to return every member of her crew safely to the Alpha Quadrant. Seven knows this…she is absolutely fully aware of the pain and guilt this issue causes KJ. So why does she mention it? Perhaps Seven is intentionally trying to make Kathryn angry? Maybe she wants the captain to feel just as much anger as she herself is probably feeling? Does she believe that it’ll be easier for KJ to accept her death if she’s mad at her? Is it possible she’s trying to force KJ into acknowledging the pain she feels over the situation…force some sort of emotional reaction from her? I don’t know. Notice how angry Janeway becomes when Seven says "you’ve accepted these crewmembers’ deaths, but I don’t believe you’ll accept mine." Janeway claims that Seven is being presumptuous…but I think what really pisses her off, is that the comment hits too close to home. She won’t be able to accept Seven’s death…and up until this moment, KJ was doing a fairly good job of avoiding that fact and its emotional ramifications. Seven really needs to understand this -- she needs to understand why she is special, what sets her apart from other crewmembers, why the captain feels and acts so differently regarding her. She comes up with her own explanation in the absence of one from Janeway…that KJ feels her "task is incomplete" because Seven has failed to become an adequate individual. And then Seven lets Kathryn off the hook by taking responsibility for the failure…because she doesn’t want KJ to spend the rest of her life feeling guilty about it. It just seems so clearly to be something a person would do for someone they love…take the blame, take the responsibility. It’s an even more powerful gesture, I think, because we know how difficult it is for Seven to make mistakes, to be wrong, to fail, to be imperfect. When KJ reassures Seven that she hasn’t failed, that she has become an extraordinary individual, and states she is having trouble accepting Seven’s death because she doesn’t want to "lose a friend" she is on the verge of tears. Scene Number 9 – Icheb is pleading with Seven to let him help her. He says she needs to learn how to rely on others. He turns and asks KJ, who’s standing in the background, "isn’t that what people on this ship do? They help each other?" She responds immediately "whenever we can," and looks pointedly at Seven. He tells her that if the captain were in danger, Seven would risk her life to save her. When Icheb makes his final plea, "let us help you," Seven looks to Janeway before making her decision. The gaze they share is extremely intense…and then Seven agrees to do the procedure. Scene Number 10 – KJ is an absolute wreck as she monitors the console during the transplant. Watch how often Tom looks back at her, as though he’s worried she’s going to collapse at any moment. It’s obvious even to TP, that the captain feels very strongly for Seven of Nine! Scene Number 11 – Watch how closely Janeway is standing in front of Seven in Cargo Bay 2 when the Doctor ends her regeneration cycle. One gets the impression that the captain has been sitting right in front of the alcove for the whole six days Seven’s been regenerating! And listen to KJ’s voice when she says, "good morning," It’s so soft and affectionate. The smile she gives Seven, and the way she can’t (doesn’t want to) take her eyes off her…leaves me with the impression that a significant corner has been turned in their relationship. Beyond the Array A J/7 Fanfic Site |