Seven experiences the Borg version of multiple
personality disorder.
When Voyager encounters a Borg vessel's debris field,
sensors also detect a Borg neural interlink frequency. Meanwhile, Seven
hears voices in her head that cause her to change personalities. One
minute she is a Klingon hunting for food, and the next she is a little
girl wanting to play a game. No one realizes what is happening until
Seven, acting as a Klingon, attacks Torres. She is contained in a
forcefield but becomes a little girl again. When she suddenly begins
speaking Klingon and turns on Tuvok, the Vulcan is forced to stun her with
a phaser.
Once in sickbay, Seven's cortical inhibitor is suppressed
so she will not react to the voices. The Doctor discovers that Seven's
implants are storing new neural patterns of species the Borg assimilated.
After arriving at the debris field, the crew finds the source of the
interlink frequency -- a vinculum. A processing device that interconnects
the minds of drones, it is sending a damaged signal to Seven and must be
taken off-line. After Janeway agrees to beam it aboard so it can be
disabled, Seven finds an alien organism inside that attacks technology by
creating a virus.
Seven determines that Species 6339 carried the virus in
their bodies and spread it to the Borg cube when assimilated. After her
inhibitor begins failing, Seven experiences even more new personalities
and must be sedated. Torres and Tuvok target the vinculum's transneural
matrix with a dampening field, but it only adapts to the technology and
returns to full power. At that point, Seven's own neural pattern is
When Janeway locates a Species 6339 vessel, their leader
demands she return the vinculum. They unleashed the virus to spread to all
cubes, and they want to return it to the debris field so the Borg will
retrieve it. Janeway refuses to do so until Seven has been cured, so
Voyager comes under fire from the alien vessel. Meanwhile, Seven's
cerebral cortex is under incredible strain, and the Doctor fears that he
may never be able to retrieve her neural pattern. Tuvok decides to engage
in a Vulcan mind-meld to isolate her true self and guide it to the
As Tuvok enters Seven's chaotic mind, he struggles to find
her among the sea of screaming people. He glimpses her being restrained by
Klingons and other aliens, but he can't reach her. In Engineering, Torres
remodulates the dampening field and finally manages to disable the
vinculum. Once it is beamed out to space, the alien vessel ceases its
attack. All of the other neural patterns in Seven's mind become dormant,
and she and Tuvok return safely from their mind-meld. |

Love Bite

Janeway, Seven and the Doctor
Overall Rating: A wonderful
episode that was stunningly acted by Jeri Ryan. Watching her have Borg
Multiple Personality Disorder was interesting as was the fact that Janeway
and Tuvok risk everything to 'save' her. It is a interesting premise, both
written and acted beautifully.
Subtext Rating: This episode
has something for everyone. We have the bite for the Torres/Seven fans and
there is also plenty of Janeway/Seven moments. Janeway has her hands on
seven several times in thi episode and we even see Janeway wipes away
tears. How many times have we seen Janeway cry? Hell, she didn't even cry
over Mark.
Tape worthy? YES! YES! YES!
This episode is a must have both for B'Elanna/Seven subtext and Janeway
/Seven subtext, as well as the acting of Jeri Ryan.