While traversing a endlessly night-like void in space,
Janeway's feelings of guilt over Voyager's predicament prompt her to
sacrifice herself for the rest of the crew.
The U.S.S. Voyager has entered a desolate region of
space with no star systems in sight for two years, and the crew is slowly
going crazy. The only activity in this vast expanse is some high levels of
theta radiation. With nothing to distract her mind from its deepest
thoughts, Janeway has retreated to her quarters and is agonizing over her
past decisions that brought the crew to the Delta Quadrant. Suddenly, the
ship loses power and is left in total darkness.
Once Kim and Tuvok get back partial power, they determine
that a dampening field caused the power drain. Meanwhile, Paris is
attacked by an alien in the holodeck, and Chakotay encounters one in the
corridor. When emergency power is activated, three alien ships can be seen
surrounding Voyager. They don't answer hails and begin firing until a
larger ship forces them to retreat.
The pilot of the friendly ship, Emck, informs Janeway that
thousands of the alien ships are ahead, but he can lead Voyager through a
spatial vortex that will take them to the other side of the expanse
unharmed. In return, he wants the alien they have in sickbay. Janeway
questions the wounded "night being," who is dying of theta
radiation poisoning. He explains that his people were living a peaceful
existence in the void when the Malon began poisoning them. A course is set
to take him home, and soon Voyager is surrounded by his vessels. As he is
beamed back, the night alien pleads with Janeway to help them close the
vortex and protect their space.
The crew observes the Malon ships are using the void as a
dumping ground for their antimatter waste. Janeway offers Emck the
technology to purify their reactant, but he refuses to cooperate because
such innovations would put him out of business. A decision is reached to
close the vortex, but it has to be done from inside the void. Janeway
announces that the crew will proceed through the vortex while she stays
behind in a shuttle and closes it, but her senior staff refuses to carry
out orders to sacrifice her. Instead, they will close the vortex just
after entering it. It will cause a major shockwave, but they are confident
Voyager can make it to the other side.
As Malon ships begin firing, both of Voyager's engines are
taken off-line. They continue toward the vortex to find a Malon freighter
attempting to block their path, but night alien ships attack and distract
it. Voyager scores a direct hit against the freighter then enters the
vortex, deploying torpedoes to seal the entrance. The shockwave carries
them to the other side, and the vortex is destroyed. Finally, Voyager
emerges from the darkness into a star field full of light and life. |

'Constance Goodheart'

Dumping waste
Overall Rating: Not a bad season
opener but again with the violations (almost) of the Prime Directive.
Plus, I am not a big fan of the 'sorry for herself' Janeway. I did get a
kick out the way that Seven dispatched Tom's robot. heh heh.
Subtext Rating: There is a
scene where Chakotay insists on being the one to tell the Captain about
the area of space instead of Seven and Seven looks quite annoyed. I also
liked the scene on the bridge where the crew is refusing Janeway's orders,
notice that she doesn't even have to say anything to Seven. I love it when
they communicate without words like that. And of course Janeway has to go
and stand by 'her borg' after that, right?
Tape worthy? Yes.