Observation Deck Observing "The Haunting of Deck Twelve" comments? agrant@attcanada.net Just when I think that the writers of Voyager can't come up with anymore entertaining or original ideas for a story, they surprise me. It happened earlier this season with "Blink of an Eye" and it happened again last night with "The Haunting of Deck Twelve". I really liked this episode! Sure, it was not the first time Voyager has found itself in a nebula that was 'abnormal', nor was it the first time that a life form appeared as or in one; but that didn't really matter here because of the way they told the story. They took a tired idea and gave it a fresh new twist that along with good acting and intelligent story telling (and some very funny lines) made for a very entertaining episode indeed. Using the format of a ghost story and flashbacks, Neelix tells the story of Voyager picking of an entity in a nebula, realizing it is there, communicating with it and, finally, taking it home. He does this, we are told, to keep the Borg children from being worried when their regeneration cycle is interrupted. (and wasn't Seven cute telling Neelix he would manage? Bet she liked saying it to someone else for a change) Neelix was great with the kids and the contrast between their Borg logic and their child-like wonder was very well-done. They were on the edge of their seats and I was too. The highlight of this episode for me was the way our intrepid Captain was written. She was strong, she was charming, she was sexy (damn, I love that open jacket!). Hell, we even got to see Seven and Janeway alone in the dark and one "Seven, you're with me..." that made my partner and I chuckle. (who else, Katie?) What more could a Voyager fan ask for? All in all, it was a fun ride. The ending was a little predictable but it tied the story together nicely and they more than made up for the predictability with...dare I say it...continuity! Did anyone else noticed that they used Ensign Tal Celes not once but twice? In conclusion, after weeks of lack-luster and sometimes condescending stories, we finally get an episode that was entertaining, intelligent and fun. (No surprise Brannon Braga had neither a story or teleplay credit on this one.) It's about time. Now... Bring on the Borg!!!! |