Voyager comes across a space phenomenon that must be
destroyed at all costs.
When a strange symbol appears on Voyager's computer
screens, Janeway begins giving orders without explanation. She is carrying
out a highly classified mission called the Omega Directive, and Seven of
Nine is the only other person who knows what it means. Voyager's sensors
have detected the Omega molecule, which is a highly unstable phenomenon.
Janeway's orders as a Starfleet Captain are to destroy it, but Seven
believes its power should be harnessed. The Borg believe it represents
perfection. She agrees to help Janeway carry out the Directive so she can
study the molecule more closely.
When Chakotay convinces the Captain she needs the
resources of her crew, Janeway briefs the senior staff on the Directive.
The Omega molecule is the most powerful substance known to exist and could
create a subspace rupture that would make warp travel impossible. The crew
sets a course for the molecules, knowing that this mission must succeed,
or they will never make it out of the Delta Quadrant.
Seven begins working on a harmonic resonance chamber,
which should stabilize the Omega molecule, while Janeway leads a rescue
mission. She has found a planet where researchers were working to create a
molecule when an explosion left them exposed to radiation. Before being
beamed to sickbay, the senior researcher tells Janeway one of the Omega
molecules survived in the primary test chamber. When Seven questions him
later, he pleads with her not to destroy Omega, saying that the discovery
of the phenomenon is the lifeblood of his people.
Once she breaks into the test chamber, Janeway finds
enough Omega to wipe out half of the Delta Quadrant. To destroy it with
Seven's harmonic resonance technology, the molecules must be transported
to Voyager. Yearning to understand Omega's perfection, Seven no longer
believes it should be destroyed. After the molecules are safely beamed
into containment, the crew takes off with several alien ships in pursuit.
In an open area of space, Janeway prepares to jettison the
chamber containing the molecules and then destroy it with a torpedo. Seven
manages to neutralize almost half of the molecules, and just before the
chamber launches, she witnesses them stabilize spontaneously. Once the
torpedo is fired, Voyager escapes at maximum warp, leaving behind no trace
of Omega. Janeway has successfully carried out her Directive, and Seven
has had her first spiritual experience. |

Seven looking at Omega
Overall Rating: A great episode
and one of the few that addresses the need for faith and belief. We get
major character development for Seven and some continuity to boot.
Subtext Rating: This is one of
the stand out episodes of the fourth season and, some believe, the
beginning of the romantic feelings between the intrepid Captain and her
Tape worthy? Yes, for the
scene by the fireplace if nothing else!