Fan Fiction Pick of the Month
Each month the staff of The Alternative Quadrant is going to pick a piece of fan fiction that we feel exemplifies the best in Voyager fan fiction. The Editor and Staff of The Alternative Quadrant is proud to present this issue's choice for Fan Fiction of the Month. She Who Hesitates is Lost by Lisa Countryman The mark of a good story is not always that you agree with its premise or pairings. The mark of a good story is that you can "see" the characters, "feel" the emotions. This month's selection is not a Janeway/Seven story, rather, it is a Torres/Seven story and while you may not have ever thought about this pairing or don't like this pairing, you may just like the story. Lisa Countryman has a very good grasp on all the characters she writes and she uses imagery that allows the reader to "see" the landscape as well as the emotions of the piece. This is a story that may have started out because of a need to punish our intrepid Captain but ended up being a very romantic, exciting and thought-provoking story about not giving up on love just because it doesn't come in the way we wanted it. It isn't about settling, but about second chances. Be sure to check out her other stories as well, , most of which are very well-written Janeway/Seven stories, as she is one of the best writers that Voyager fandom has to offer. You can find her stories at the following sites: Fan Fiction Trekking or TwoSpirits To let us know what you think of our choice, or to nominate a story for next month, e-mail alternative_quadrant@mailcity.com or agrant@attcanada.net .