Fan Fiction Pick of the Month
Each month the staff of The Alternative Quadrant is going to pick a piece of fan fiction that we feel exemplifies the best in Voyager fan fiction. The Editor and Staff of The Alternative Quadrant is proud to present this issue's choice for Fan Fiction of the Month. Sometimes an idea makes so much sense that you wish you would have thought of it your self; and sometimes you read a piece of fan fiction and it is so good that you wish you had written it yourself. This month's pick of the month is just such a story. Angela has written a story that actually makes "Safe Haven" and "Spirit Folk" hurt just a little bit less. She has also created a character that I wish was canon. In Epiphany, Voyager finally gets a ships counselor, and that addition changes the lives of our Captain, her Borg, and the crew in ways that none of them could have even hoped for. Daynar is exactly the kind of person who could make these changes happen and just the kind of therapist I wish I had. I don't want to say anymore for fear I will ruin the experience for the readers. Suffice to say, read the story, you will be glad you did. Be sure to check out her other stories as well, she is a fantastic author who writes for both Voyager and DS9. Might I recommend Safe Haven, another excellent story. You can visit Angela's site by clicking the link below. To let us know what you think of our choice, or to nominate a story for next month, please feel free to post to our message board.