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I wish your 'zine had been out when I first
started browsing the f/f fanfic online a couple of months ago . This site
is truly valuable in introducing the reader to what's out there and to the
various authors' opinions on what's going on in both STV and the alt voy fanfic
universe. I look forward to seeing it grow.
I've watched the growth of Seven/Janeway fanfic on
the net over the past year with great delight. There are so many like minded
people out there. And now this fanzine! My dream come true. I hope
it's a great success.
re: Repair Crews
Hi Loretta,
You ladies have done an excellent job with your first issue. I truly
enjoyed it!
And you are absolutely right. In "Collective", when Seven was
imparting some very personal info to Janeway while in Janeway's 'Ready Room', I
thought, is that the only thing Janeway is going to say? As Gina terms it,
where was that "gooey" look she gets when she is touched by something
said or done. Especially involving her favorite drone. More should have
been said, or done.
But, now we have an "Repair Crew". You'll get the job done.
re: Editor's Desk
I liked your comments very much April.
And yes I agree. If a person has a
different opinion, then so be it. But that different opinion should not be
dismissed outright. I look forward to further discussions on this subject.
re: Repair Crews and zine
Love this new site and looking forward to more. I
wouldn't mind if you went back to even some of the older J/7 heavy episodes.
Unlike Gina's reviews, which I love, I like the "what you would do"
reviews as well, it gets one thinking a little differently.
Great stuff! Gina: Loved your article! I can't
wait to get to read more subtexty reviews from variety of people and also some
insightful articles on how different people see Voyager, trek pairings, general
writing/acting stuff and things like that. Keep up the good work, you're on to a
good start.
- Elisa
re: Repair Crews, Child's Play
Another good repair review. I recently watched
some of the older episodes with Kes and there are several times that the Captain
hugged her to help her emotionally. Doesn't Seven deserve the same? The
Captain has also done that with B'Elanna. Does she not think that Seven is
humanized enough for that yet. How better to help humanize her then by touch.
But as you said it is the writers who fear this and not the characters.
They are men who do not understand women and their need for touch in a
relationship, any relationship. Women take their friendships very seriously. We
love on so many different levels and that is how we feel about friends, we love
them with all our heart. Especially if we have helped someone as Janeway has
helped Seven. If we just take them as friends and not potential lovers, even
then Janeway would be feeling a strong need to help seven emotionally. Like
after One died, where was the good Captain helping her friend through this first
time grief, which had her confused. She even said, 'you're hurting me', not
really understanding why or how. That should have been the most important lesson
Janeway could help her with. They are so afraid of giving the wrong message with
these woman that they aren't giving the right one. Janeway is looking like a
hard bitch. She undertook to help Seven and she should help her though the tough
lessons and not just how to talk in a social setting.
Thanks again for the thought provoking review
I ran across a note RE: your e-zine on
TenderWare's web site. I was very pleased with the work all of you have
put into "The Alternate Quadrant". I've written the J/7 fan fic
writers on your staff from time to time to tell them how much I enjoy their
I'm glad to say that now I enjoy their work collectively and hope this e-zine
continues for a long time.
The columns has given me a bit of insight on the show and, for instance, I never
equated the change in producer from Taylor to Braga as Mildred Perkins so nicely
pointed out in her "Janeway's not Crazy" article. Seemed logical
to me - I wouldn't want to share Seven with anyone including Janeway on
"Voyager". Especially when reviewers point out the obvious
chemistry between Mulgrew and Ryan.
All of you involved in "The Alternative Quadrant" - enjoy your hobby
and don't let the public's pettiness get in the way of that enjoyment (ie: your
3rd issue's editorial page).
As Spock would say: Live long and prosper.
Angie Faria
Re: Article: Match Made in Hell
Excellent article by Virago. Of course, I'm a
little biased, heh, heh. I am on the Dark Side and have no plans to get with the
Re: Warped To The Core/ "A little knowledge"
Part I
I don't know if I want to say this is a
suggestion, because it really isn't Dana (Captain Starbuck). But for myself when
it comes to watching the show on T.V., and reading all of the disturbing rumors
on the 'net', (and you're right, some of them are very disturbing) I still watch
the episodes.
Why you might ask? Well I'll tell you. *g* I am looking for subtext, no matter
how small, between Janeway and Seven. Knowing what the episodes will be about
still doesn't inform us of every scene. And as long as Janeway and Seven are
apart of the crew, I will always watch the show.
It doesn't mean that I enjoy every episode. Far from it! But it does mean I try
to keep a positive view, hoping that TPTB realize they're missing something in
the formulas to make good episodes. Then maybe they'll realize they should throw
Janeway and Seven together more frequently. And let's face it, they haven't a
clue on what constitutes what makes a good episode this season. Well, maybe they
kind of got it right a few times, but only a few times.
So, do the rumors and spoilers sometimes upset me? Yes, they do. But I try to
keep my mind on the positive, and look for any surprises. And sometimes we have
been pleasantly surprised.
Re: Characterization
Interesting site you have here. As an avid reader
I'd just like to make a few comments (probably far too many!) about
characterization in J/7 fanfic. Before I start moaning, I just want to tell all
writers out there that I love reading their stuff and encourage them to continue
These comments refer to a fair number of the stories I've read, and every time I
come across them they immediately make me wonder if the writer really watches
Voyager, or really appreciates who the character of Seven really is. Or, more
accurately, why they want to change the character so radically.
1. Seven doesn't sleep, so you better come up with a pretty good
explanation if you're going to have her dozing every night in Janeway's
2. If you're going to suggest that Seven doesn't sweat/pee/menstruate,
then there are certain other body fluids that she's not going to produce
either...think about it. You can't have it both ways.
3. Seven has repeatedly made it clear that she does not want to be called
4. Regardless of how much "in love" with anyone Seven is she is
never going to give them inaccurate, irrelevant designations like
"darling" or "honey."
5. Don't have Janeway quote obscure 20th century writer/poets. It's
self-serving and it stops the story dead. And can any of them really compare to
Dante, whom we know Janeway likes? You are writers. Make up your own poets from
the future! (This also refers to song lyrics and other current pop culture
references that will be long forgotten by Voyager's time.)
6. Face it, Seven can be a stone cold bitch. Love may change people, but the
Seven I often see depicted in fanfic has been, for want of a better word,
Thanks for the forum to rant.
Re: Warped to the Core
Capt. Starbuck makes an excellent point. I had to
stop reading spoilers and rumors, because they just got me upset.
I'd rather be surprised, even if it isn't a pleasant surprise. And I agree
that J/7 kiss isn't likely. Braga is probably just
putting out disinformation to pique our interest...