Warped to the Core by Captain Starbuck Seven Fears for Season Seven comments? Captain Starbuck or Our message board As the seventh and final season approaches, the same thought keeps playing in my head "Be afraid. Be very afraid." I almost dread this upcoming season. Maybe it was seeing one of those horrible spoilers that I know better than to read. One truly put me near the edge (and occasionally over the edge and into the abyss when I recall it *shudders*). If I've learned nothing else, I've sworn off spoilers. I haven't read one in weeks and weeks. And I don't intend to. I think they'll only add to my fear. Anyway, on to my list of my seven biggest fears for the final season. And keep in mind, these are my own fears (though I'm quite certain I'm not the only scaredy-cat out here in web-land). 7) Gratuitous Harry Bashing - I'm not a big fan of Harry Kim's, but neither do I dislike him. I just feel that the TPTB seem to say, "well, it's been a few weeks. Time to spindle, fold and/or mutilate Harry Kim." Why they feel compelled to do this to Harry is beyond me, but he seems to be their token "abused boy". Why is it that when someone dies, has a near death experience or gets shot up, Harry's right in the middle? Let's show a little compassion, writers! Leave Harry alone... or don't bash him quite so much. If torture and maiming is what you want, then spread the wealth. I'm sure the others are available for the same treatment. 6) Ignoring Tuvok's Blue Balls - This poor fellow. He's overdue for Pon Far or pretty close to it. If they ignore this condition, he'll go down in history as the Vulcan with the longest mating cycle. I don't know how they could ignore it. It would certainly make for a great storyline through several episodes. It shouldn't be dismissed as a minor plot in a solitary episode. Leave it to TPTB to ignore it, though. They seem to think that putting Seven in a tight formfitting biosuit, or having Janeway boink some hologram is the best way to deal with sexuality. They seem to forget that sexuality isn't just female. 5) Another Aria for The Singing Doctor - I don't think I could take too many more Doctor-centric episodes. TPTB seem to forget that the Doctor is a marvelous SUPPORTING character. He is, IMHO, not a starring character. I admit, I like the doctor and his sarcasm... but in small doses - certainly not for an entire episode. By the end of a Doctor episode, if I can make it all the way through, I'm grinding my teeth. Too much of the Doctor is like fingernails on a chalkboard. 4) Escalating Tom and B'Elanna's Relationship - If any two characters in a romantic pairing lack chemistry, it's these two. Having their relationship turn up a notch - by moving in together, getting engaged or even - GASP - getting married would be a HUGE mistake. I don't know if it's the writers, or the actors, or maybe because they're the token "couple", but it just doesn't work. 3) Disappearing Children - We've already had a baby disappear without explanation. It wouldn't have been so bad to have the baby disappear if they hadn't made such a big deal about it being on the Cube in the first place. If the Borg children disappear without a corresponding storyline, then these writers are worse than I could ever imagine. That would be a true insult to the viewers to expect us to just accept the disappearance of these children. 2) Seven Finds Sex (with anyone, especially the doctor) - When Seven and her biosuit were added to Voyager, it was clearly a ploy to attract teenaged boys and young men. (little did they know how many WOMEN were taken with the lovely ex-drone). By putting Seven in a sexual relationship with some man (and you know it will be a man), I think TPTB will lose fans, not gain any. It won't be just our (J/7 fans') hearts breaking and our stomachs turning. All those young men, I'm sure, fantasize about Seven and themselves - not Seven and some new dude on the ship. I just believe TPTB wouldn't do an episode to develop Seven's humanity - it would be done strictly for the shock value. 1) Janeway/Chakotay "Do the Nasty" - Do this, Misters PTB, and you will have lost a viewer forever - permanently. Beltran says it's over... Janeway doesn't trust him, not really... How could they even consider this? The J/C isn't that powerful, is it? Would TPTB cave in to Mulgrew's wishes that "Janeway needs a man" and serve up Chakotay? They didn't have Kirk sleeping with his first officer. Picard didn't boink Riker (though he may have had intimate relations with Beverly Crusher). Why have Janeway get it on with her First Officer? Is it because she's a woman? I just don't think they can write this well - and even if they did, I don't think I'd watch. |