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Shades of Mediocrity
comments? pforooghi@compusmart.ab.ca
As I am reflecting on the current season, the only way I
can sum up the
sad state of affairs on the show is with one word: mediocre. Yes, this is
the kind of season its been so far, unfortunately. Furthermore, I don't
know if anything will change by season's end, thought I remain hopeful. I
miss the Voyager that I began watching in season 4, the one that I
eventually grew to love. I also miss the characters, which seem more
unrecognizable from episode to episode. And finally, I miss the show's
intelligence and profundity. Why aren't we getting philosophically &
psychologically complex shows like Latent Image, Nothing Human, Mortal Coil,
etc... in the current season? The answer I suppose is because of the writers,
and their quest for ratings supremacy at the expense of quality, intelligent
writing. However, the sad fact remains that the ratings aren't much better this
season than they were in any other- only the quality of writing leaves a lot to
be desired. Something I wasn't complaining about even last year. This is a
lamentable shame.
I wonder what the show will be like in its final season. Will the
writers/producers continue to mess things up royally, as they have been
doing this year? Will they miss wonderful opportunities for absorbing,
thought-provoking storytelling by not getting the ship home early in the
season? Will they continue to randomly and inexplicably assassinate/alter
the characters that we so love? At the rate things are going, the answer
to all these questions will most likely be yes!
I read Moore's interview last week, and I completely agree with what he
had to say. Voyager is a great show, but it could have been much better if
it were handled in a more intelligent, innovative, way. They could have
taken more chances with both the characters and the stories, instead, they
decided to take the conservative route and play things safe. This was done
mainly for the sake of keeping the franchise lucrative. In the end,
creativity and originality was sacrificed for the almighty dollar. The
issues Moore raised are ones I have thought about often, only he has dared
to voice them in a rather insightful, thought-provoking manner. I
recommend this interview to anyone, because it will either reiterate many
of your own views on the show, as it did with me, or get you to think
about all the things that could have been, that could have made the show
even better and in turn, more commercially successful.
Just some late night/early morning ramblings here. Thank you for your
forbearance. Cheers!