A problem-solving alien comes to Voyager's rescue, but
his help has a steep price.
As Voyager approaches a strange planetoid, the ship is
rocked by its explosion and enveloped in a cloud of methion gas. Suddenly,
a Hazari vessel is upon them, and Seven explains they are bounty hunters
hired to capture alien crafts. When Janeway eludes the ship and it doesn't
follow, she soon learns why -- there are many reinforcements throughout
the sector waiting to overtake Voyager. Late at night, a strange alien
pays a visit to Janeway and introduces himself as the answer to her
Kurros explains he is part of a small group that seeks out
problems to be solved. His "think tank" believes Voyager's
challenge with the Hazari can be handled without weapons. When Janeway and
Seven visit Kurros on his ship, they see his incredibly advanced
technology and meet the other strange lifeforms, each with an intellectual
specialty. Once Janeway agrees to do business with him, Kurros reveals
Seven is one of the items from Voyager that he wants as payment.
When Seven hears the offer from the think tank, she talks
to Kurros herself. He appeals to her quest for perfection, but she
declines to join his group. Soon, the Hazari attack Voyager again, but
Kurros gives Janeway some tactical advice that forces them to retreat.
When he tries to use that favor as leverage to convince Seven to change
her mind, Janeway realizes she now has two enemies on her hands.
Once the crew lures a Hazari vessel into Voyager's tractor
beam, they download information from the database and discover Kurros
hired the bounty hunters. Janeway explains to the Hazari alien that they
are both being manipulated by Kurros and convinces him to work with her in
tricking the think tank. The crew devises a plan to lure Kurros out of
hiding by pretending Seven has decided to join his group. She will then
link with their internal communications array, disrupting their systems
and preventing them from functioning. After the ruse is in place, the
Hazari contact Kurros and persuade him to increase their bounty to bring
in Voyager.
Janeway tricks him into believing Seven has left Voyager
to join his think tank, but Kurros soon senses a trap has been laid. When
he forces Seven to link with his telepathic technology so he can read her
mind and discover Janeway's plan, a carrier wave is transmitted via her
cortical implant. This creates interference and blocks his entire
communications system. Once the think tank is decloaked, the Hazari
converge on it as Seven is beamed back and Voyager leaves at warp speed. |

Janeway and Seven aboard Kurros' ship

Janeway and Seven discuss the Think Tanks offer
Overall Rating: A good episode,
even with the poor continuity problems and the romantic clichés, with a
nice B-plot about Voyager helping refugees from a species assimilated by
the Borg. 6.0
Subtext Rating: Some decent
moments between our girls and a nice 'what is going on in Seven's head'
moment. No, I won't tell you what it is, you must find it for yourself.
Tape worthy? Yes, lovely
subtext and angsty moments between Janeway and Seven make this a must
have. And Janeway looks damn sexy in this episode.

On the Bridge after Seven refuses the offer