THIS FALL (a ship fires on Voyager with a pretty nebula in the background, the bridge blows - Janeway is shaken and stirred right onto Tom Paris) VOYAGER LAUNCHES ITS FINAL SEASON (quick shot of Tom on the Delta Flyer as it blows, "FINAL SEASON" springs out of a shot of an Imperial Century Ship nestling up to Voyager) [Editor: *SMACK*] [Me: Huh? Oh, sorry. Wrong show.] <rewind> <play> (quick shot of Tom on the Delta Flyer as it blows, "FINAL SEASON" springs out of a shot of some BIG MUTHA ship nestling up to Voyager) BUT BEFORE IT BEGINS (BIG MUTHA ship latches onto Voyager with a BIG MUTHA claw, the Delta Flyer hauls ass away from Voyager, the Big Four (Seven, Janeway, Tuvok and . . . Harry?) - carrying big ass guns - beam out of Borg space) YOU HAVE TO SEE ("SEE" superimposed over menacing Borg shapes, Seven takes a BIG dive down an exploding wall) HOW (lemme guess . . . now we're going to "SEE" the word "HOW" - YEP!, the claw takes Voyager right in the numbers - that's cold, man) THIS SEASON (wait for it . . . YES - "This Season" over Voyager twisting and turning trying to escape, Seven gets a green Borg facial against her will) ENDS (say it with me children - "ENDS" over a pretty green ball of light, a Borg flies violently back from an explosion, the BIG MUTHA claw rips a big ole hole in Voyager's side, Kes lies asleep on the . . . Kes? Ooookay . . . on the floor then morphs into old Kes) Janeway: Intruder alert. (Tuvok is helped down a darkened hallway by Harry and Neelix) Harry: Abandon ship! FOUR ALL NEW EPISODES (two Borg walk blithely into an explosion, Seven . . . EEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWW - Nope, I'm not going to say what happens next. Yuck.) {fast forward} (the Doc and an older version of him in a lab, Troi rolls her eyes violently) Troi: You're BOTH jerks! LEADING TO THE SEASON FINALE (two aliens run down Voyager's corridor and stop to fire phasers, Tuvok and Harry have big guns, Tuvok uses his big gun on a Borg) WITH THE RETURN (quick zoom in on a Borg cube, the Borg Queen looks haughtily down her nose) OF THE BORG QUEEN Borg Bitc . . . er . . . Queen: We have to pay them a visit. (Borg storm troopers stomp down a Borg corridor) (teeny Voyager fires on the BIG MUTHA ship) (stormtroopers tear out another Borg's throat) (Janeway uses her big gun) (Seven tries to bitch slap the Borg Queen, who catches the punch) (a big, burly Klingon warrior menaces Seven - who does NOT bite B'Elanna on the cheek) (a Borg forearm shoves teeny-looking B'Elanna against a wall) (the Borg Queen styles in a sexy green light) (from a green fog, white lightning illuminates a pouty Borg warrior) (Tuvok gets a Borg smackdown) (Janeway is held immobile from behind by a Big Boy Borg who shoves assimilation tubules hard against her neck. She stiffens . . . her back arches and she SCREAMS hoarsely.) THE FIRST OF FOUR NEW VOYAGERS (BIG MUTHA ship blows up VERY impressively) |