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Trailer Talk: Unimatrix Zero 1.1

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 (Chakotay stares blankly toward us as lightning flashes on the blue screen
 behind him (and tempts me mightily to make cracks about invisible
 characters or explosive remarks by certain actors - but I'm above all
 that) and he reads his script aloud - blandly)

 Chakotay (voice over):  Stardate 54019 point 6.

 (Delta Flyer cruises through a...Half Life mod?  No!  Borg infested

 Chakotay:  Only a short time has passed since Captain Janeway, B'Elanna
 and Tuvok...

 (quick shots of each traveling in the Delta Flyer toward assimilation -
 they're so brave!  *sniff*)

 Chakotay:  ...left on their mission to infiltrate the Borg Cube.

 (green glowing cubespace through the Flyer's portal, our heroes
 materialize on the Cube, another imperious shot of Queenie, Seven - at
 parade breast...er...rest - has her voice over time)

 Seven:  Once inside...

 (B'Elanna fries some Borg baddies)

 Seven:  ...all contact was lost.

 (Janeway and Tuvok with some fine shootin' of their own mow down more
 Borg, Borg bodies fly, B'Elanna is pinned, Tuvok is rabbit punched, the
 Cube clears the Delta Quadrant of its Flyer)

 Seven:  At this point we can only speculate on what happened...

 (Tuvok sports pointy Borg parts, B'Elanna looks ready to Borgify any

 Seven (her voice going soft for the last shot): ...as we await their

 (of Janeway as the most ugly Borg ever created)