When Voyager stops to help an alien repair his ship,
the alien switches bodies with Paris.
An alien vessel in need of rescue suddenly appears in
Voyager's space. It is attempting to use an experimental propulsion system
powered by a coaxial warp drive, but it is destabilizing. Janeway
transports the pilot, Steth, and his prototype to Voyager. Paris, who has
been restless and irritable lately and in need of a change in duty,
volunteers to help him repair his ship. What they don't know is that there
is really a woman inside Steth's body.
While Paris uses his knowledge of 20th-century cars to
repair the ship, Steth breaks into Voyager's computer and downloads Paris'
DNA information. Once Steth's ship is operational again, he suddenly
overtakes Paris and switches bodies with him. Seth sends Paris away on his
ship, and he stays on Voyager to live out Paris' life.
Steth slides right into Paris' daily routine, and the crew
is none the wiser. He uses flattery with the Doctor to get out of sickbay
duty, and he charms his way back into Torres' good graces to smooth over a
recent fight she had with Paris. Meanwhile, Paris wakes up on Steth's ship
to find that the Benthan, who have tracked down Steth for theft, are
taking him into custody.
The Benthan ships are suddenly run off, and an angry
woman, Daelen, beams aboard Paris' vessel. She says she is Steth, and she
wants her body back. On Voyager, Steth begins to lose control and exhibit
erratic behavior. He fights with Torres and Seven, and he becomes
intoxicated while on duty. When Janeway expresses her concern, Steth
attacks her and is taken to sickbay after Tuvok stuns him with a phaser.
Daelen explains that the alien has perfected selective DNA
exchange. It put Steth into its body, and Paris into Steth's. They finally
activate the coaxial warp drive and manage to catch up with Voyager, but
when they tell Janeway what has happened, they realize the alien has
switched bodies again. Janeway is lying in sickbay in Paris' body, and the
alien in her body takes off from Voyager in a shuttle it has outfitted
with the advanced propulsion system. Paris and Steth race after her, and
Paris applies the principles he used in repairing the warp drive to
disable it. With the alien in custody, everyone is returned to the proper
bodies, and Paris has gained a new appreciation for the monotony of his
life. |

Tom and Torres
Overall Rating: Stupid story,
stupid plot...the women of Voyager did not fair well in this
episode. I hate it when TPTB make our girls all seem to be weak and subservient
to men.
Subtext Rating: None, except
for J/B fans, and even then just a bit as Janeway leers at Tom and tells
him to say good-bye to B'Elanna for her.
Tape worthy? Nope...skip