A disruption in the space-time continuum forces the
crew to evacuate Voyager.
Voyager christens its new Astrometrics Lab, which has
mapping technology far more accurate than their old system. It projects a
course that will cut years off their trip, taking them through Zahl
territory, which a species called the Krenim also lay claim to. The Zahl
tell Voyager not to worry about the Krenim, who once dominated the region
with deadly temporal weapons; the Zahl defeated them years ago. Suddenly,
Voyager's sensors detect a build-up of temporal energy, and the ship is
hit by a space-time shockwave. The Zahl disappear, along with the crew's
memory of them, and they find themselves facing the powerful Krenim.
Chronoton-based Krenim torpedoes, which exist in a state of temporal flux,
penetrate Voyager's shields, badly damaging the ship.
In another part of the region, Annorax, the Krenim captain
of the ship that annihilated the Zahl, evaluates his efforts and learns he
has almost completely restored the Krenim Imperium. But Annorax will not
rest until every colony is back. On Voyager, Janeway manages to destroy
the Krenim ship attacking her, but the damage is done. The ship is
incapable of continuing its journey. Seven finds an active warhead lodged
in the hull. Tuvok surmises it will explode in minutes, but Seven is
intent on learning its temporal variance and using that knowledge to
perfect shielding against it. She makes a determination just before the
torpedo blows up.
Seven's new temporal shields hold against Krenim
torpedoes. In another part of space, Annorax fires his temporal weapon,
and the space-time continuum is again altered. This time, Voyager's
shields protect it from time disruption. Suddenly, they find that the big
Krenim warship they were battling has become a much smaller ship.
Annorax's weapon has caused the Krenim Imperium to revert to a pre-warp
state. Annorax realizes that Voyager's temporal shields were responsible
for throwing off his calculations. He approaches Voyager and transports
Chakotay and Paris to his ship for study. He then unleashes a chronoton
energy beam to erase Voyager from history, but the starship is able to
escape, albeit with major structural damage. Janeway is forced to evacuate
the crew, but she and the senior staff stay with the ship to rescue
Chakotay and Paris, and hopefully reunite with the escape pods...

Seven and Action Janeway

Seven and Action Janeway
Overall Rating: A good episode,
even with the problem pf the giant reset button being used. too bad that
character development for Chuckles and interesting loses can't be part of
the real time line. Also would have liked to see TPTB continue the
beautiful interaction with Seven and Tuvok into the remaining years but,
alas, it was not to be.
Subtext Rating: Subtle, but
there. The subtext in this episode is of the dipped head, averted eyes category.
Also, why is Seven one of the last 2 with Janeway on the ship? Plus, who
can resist a butched up, Action Janeway? Not me!
Tape worthy? Yes, for the
action alone. Add some nice character development (even if it didn't
happen) and some subtle subtext and you have a very nice episode indeed.