The destruction of Voyager changes history.
Badly damaged, Voyager takes refuge in a nebula as a
skeleton crew attempts to repair the ship. On Annorax's ship, Chakotay and
Paris are summoned to meet with him. He has a proposal for them. He'll
send Voyager back in time, restoring it to its original state, if they
fill him in on the extent of Voyager's presence in Krenim space so he can
complete calculations that will allow him to restore the Krenim Imperium.
Paris balks at helping Annorax, but Chakotay believes the chance to
continue their voyage home may be worth the risk of trusting Annorax.
As Chakotay helps Annorax chart Voyager's journey, Annorax
shares a story about a mistake he made after he first created his
time-weapon ship. He destroyed the Krenim's greatest enemy, but in the
process, he also destroyed an important antibody in the Krenim genetic
structure, and 50 million Krenim died of disease as a result. He has been
trying to undo his mistake ever since.
Paris finds a weakness in the Krenim ship that could be
exploited, but Chakotay refuses to go against Annorax. However, when
Annorax eradicates another species in order to partially restore the
Krenim timeline, Chakotay is dismayed to see him turn once again to
destruction as an answer to his problems. Chakotay takes Annorax to task
for the destruction of innocent lives and Annorax reveals the driving
force behind his actions. His wife died as a result of his time
incursions, and he hopes to undo her death.
Chakotay and Paris secretly contact Voyager, giving
Janeway their coordinates. She arranges a coalition with other species,
which will attack when Paris takes the temporal core off-line. The
remaining members of Voyager's crew disperse to prepare the other ships
for battle, but Janeway stays with Voyager.
Chakotay and Paris take the temporal core off-line, making
the ship vulnerable to traditional weapons. Annorax orders his men to fire
at the approaching vessels and soon the coalition is almost destroyed.
Janeway does a kamikaze run at the Krenim ship and the impact destabilizes
the core, causing a temporal incursion within Annorax's ship. With the
destruction of the Krenim vessel, the timeline is restored, Voyager never
makes its fateful entry into Krenim space, and Annorax is at last reunited
with his beloved wife.

Seven and Action Janeway

Seven and Action Janeway
Overall Rating: A good episode,
even with the problem of the giant reset button being used. Too bad that
character development for Chuckles and interesting loses can't be part of
the real time line. Also would have liked to see TPTB continue the
beautiful interaction with Seven and Tuvok into the remaining years but,
alas, it was not to be.
Subtext Rating: Subtle, but
there. The subtext in this episode is of the dipped head, averted eyes category.
Also, why is Seven one of the last 2 with Janeway on the ship? Plus, who
can resist a butched up, Action Janeway? Not me!
Tape worthy? Yes, for the
action alone. Add some nice character development (even if it didn't
happen) and some subtle subtext and you have a very nice episode indeed.