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Issue 5

August/September 2000




Janeway...Naked...In a Tub


Got ya thinking huh? But sorry, Chuckie's article isn't about what you think. It is about the Voyager men. What? You say they're boring?  EXACTLY.


Seven Hopes for the Seventh Season


Whatever you think of the preceding six seasons every fan has hopes about what they want to see or not see in the last 22 episodes. Voyager is coming to an end and our own LZClotho found out what you, the fans, would like to see.


Fair Haven Revisited


We love it when fans care enough to send us their thoughts, and when they are this detailed and well thought out and opinionated....we give them their own feature section. This month, Vivien, who shares her thoughts on Fair Haven among other things.


Someone to Watch Over Me: A Commentary


Vivien turns her powerful introspection to this much discussed episode. Find out what the people on the Alternative Quadrant message board already know about this ever controversial, always interesting, Voyager fan.


Fan Fiction Pick of the Month

And a Child Shall Lead Them By JCayan for J/7 and

Guilty by DiNovia for T/7

Poem of the month

The poems of diNovia