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Trailer Talk:  Seven of Nine Promo


comments? mlperkin@indiana.edu

(Va Va Va Boom! Boom! - in front of a blue background super quick jump
shots of Seven's profile, front (optic implant) and back (bun - her HAIR
bun, you) and if you look REALLY CLOSELY a bad frame with someone's hand
at the top *snicker*, quick swivel shot of her va va va booms then she
begins to speak in a medium shot)

Seven:  I have long since accepted what the Borg did to me.

(Seven as we met her - Borgified in a regeneration chamber, profile with
the full eyepiece)

Seven:  What I will NOT accept.

(Seven tries tough love on the Borg Queen, Queenie catches the punch)

Seven (close-up):  Is defeat.

(Borg sphere goes Hindenberg (really cool effect slo mo!))

Seven:  I am confident we will discover a way home.

(Voyager travels a wormhole or slipstream, Paris close-up)

Paris:  Hang on!  (What an exciting line!  See "Janeway...Naked...in a tub")

(Voyager sweeps down to Hoth) 

[Editor:  Stop with the Star Wars already!]

[Me:  Ooops.  *sheepish grin*]

(Janeway stands really close to B'Elanna on a shaking bridge)

B'Elanna:  We're too close!  [Me:  I don't think so. *grin*]

(Voyager fires a photon torpedo)

Seven (very close-up):  Failure.

(Delta Flyer explodes!)

Seven (very close-up):  Is not an option.