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Issue 2

March 2000



The Observation Deck 


What's In A Name? Glad you asked...a flap over the name of this Zine got our editor in a tizzy and derailed her other topic. Read all about it in this months rant.



Just Between Us


Moriarty tried to take over the ship, Vic Fontaine was a friend, The Doctor is a valued member of the crew and even Kathryn Janeway has gotten involved with one;  but does that mean that holograms can achieve sentience, or is it just...silliness? Read what Gina Dartt has to say about Holograms in this months column.


Warped To The Core 

A column where Capt. Starbuck addresses thought provoking and sometimes disturbing issues. This month?  In Defense of the Holo-Stud.  Don't throw things quite yet...go read it first...

Writin Gud

Advice column for writers of Voyager fan fiction. This month? Names and Spellings

Poem of the month

Each month the staff will pick a poem, or poems, that touch us  and it will be published here.

Fan Fiction Pick of the Month

Our very first Fan Fic O' the Month.   "Knowledge" 





The Spirit Zone

This review will give you a few of Angela McNelly's thoughts on, dare we say it, "Spirit Folk" and the total lack of respect for fan intellect that this episode rubbed in our faces.  Also, exclusive interviews with the cast and "Mr. Braga himself" (in a way only The Alternative Quadrant and Ms. McNelly could do), giving us answers to our urgent questions concerning Borg and babies and Braga, Oh my!  As for the title of her review, "Sucking the Spirit Out of Star Trek",  it speaks for itself. This is the first of what we hope will be a series of "Spirit Zone" pieces.


Janeway's Not Crazy But She is Schizophrenic

Do you ever wonder if Janeway is crazy? Or maybe has multiple personalities? Chuckie tries to make sense of and explain her behaviour in this humorous and insightful journey into the psyche of our intrepid Captain.


Mystery Series Theater 3000 

What would happen if the cast were forced to watch selected episodes of their own show? Find out...if you have the stomach for it...