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Issue 4

May/June 2000




Warped to the Core 

A column where Capt. Starbuck addresses thought provoking and sometimes disturbing issues. This month?  In 'A Little Knowledge Part II', The good Capt. tells us just why a little knowledge about the people who make our show may be all we really need or want...

Writin Gud

Advice column for writers of Voyager fan fiction. This month? Apostrophes

Poem of the month

Each month the staff will pick a poem, or poems, that touch us  and it will be published here.

Fan Fiction Pick of the Month

Our third Fan Fic O' the Month.   "Epiphany" 


Janeway is Hot


Come on. . .admit it, we like to read about Janeway having a sexual relationship.  Love is good.  Romance is great.  But what we really like to read about is Janeway having sex. What Chuckie tells us is why?


Totally Opinionated Reviews By Angel


We love it when fans care enough to send us their thoughts, and when they are this detailed and well thought out....we give them their own feature section. This month, Angel. Do you have a few reviews that you have written? Send them to us, and you could be here next month!