Issue 3 April 2000
Just when you thought there were no more good ideas left....the writers surprise us with a "haunting". See what our editor thought of this week's episode as she observes "The Haunting of Deck Twelve."
Chakotay and Icheb, Harry and Mezoti, Tuvok and the twins. Has Voyager missed another opportunity with the Borg Children? Would they be better off with Father figures than mother figures? Read this month's insightful column by the ever-relevant Gina Dartt and find out what a great addition the Borg Children could have been.
A column where Capt. Starbuck
addresses thought provoking and sometimes disturbing issues. This month?
In 'A Little Knowledge', The good Capt. tells us just why all these rumors and
"spoilers" may do more harm than good. Advice column for writers of Voyager fan fiction. This month? Names and Spellings Each month the staff will pick a poem, or poems, that touch us and it will be published here. Our second Fan Fic O' the Month. "She Who Hesitates is Lost"
Do we really TPTB to take a chance on Janeway and Seven, and if so, how do we go about getting our way? Pooneh gives us a reason and a rant on the subject in a special article this month that really puts it out there. As usual, it is worth the read.
Are Janeway and Seven the only couple on Voyager? What about Torres and Seven? Could all that animosity really just be thinly veiled desire? Maybe, Maybe not, but Virago makes a great case for it and gives us all something to think about. Is Voyager really a reflection of today's values? Star Trek always has been but does Voyager really carry on the tradition, like they seem to think, or does the mirror still not show our true face? An insightful and intelligent discussion of an issue that touches us all. "Sustenance"